Imagine a hungry person sitting at a banquet table, yet convinced the food is a mirage. Or, a person terrified of the dark who refuses to try the light because they believe the switch is probably broken. Or, a soldier in the midst of battle who fails to brandish their sword because they think it's a stick. These are all absurd scenarios for the sake of analogy. The Bible is referred to as food, light, and a sword, yet many people never use it to feed their souls, help them find their way, or fend for themselves. They consider it a mirage or myth--a broken truth--as useless as a stick.  

Some of this is due to false ideas that we bring to Scripture. These false ideas are sometimes called "defeaters,” pre-beliefs which prevent us from even considering the possibility of truth. Some of us respect the Bible, yet our confidence is "one foot in.” Questions about its veracity prevent us from placing the whole weight of our hope upon it. Others of us place high value on God's Word, but it's like gold lodged in a granite cave wall--we can't figure out how to get the precious stuff out!

During Gospel Perspectives hour on November 13 and  20th, we'll look at the Bible as part of our Essential Courses series. The classes will cover not only the trustworthiness of Scripture, but how to feed ourselves with God's Word. 

Rev. Glenn Hoburg is a pastor and teaching elder at Grace Downtown.